Joe Biden To Eviscerate Trump In Iowa Stump Speech

ABC News reports:

Joe Biden’s remarks, released early by the campaign, mark some of Biden’s most pointed attacks of the president — mentioning his name 44 times, and hitting Trump for his tariff policy and the impact it has on Iowa farmers and manufacturers.

“Trump doesn’t get the basics. He thinks his tariffs are being paid by China. Any beginning econ student at Iowa or Iowa State could tell you that the American people are paying his tariffs. The cashiers at Target see what’s going on; they know more about economics than Trump.”

Biden also plans to hit Trump for his health care policy and denial of climate change. “[S]till Trump denies climate change. What did he tell Piers Morgan in that interview? “Well the weather goes both ways,” the former vice president is set to say. Overall, Biden will say, “I believe Trump is an existential threat to America.”

Trump will also be in Iowa tonight.