Huge Lead For Warren In Poll Of MoveOn Members

NBC News reports:

Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders top a new straw poll from progressive group, illuminating how the packed field of candidates is coming into focus for more left-leaning Democratic voters just before the first debate of the 2020 cycle.

The poll, being released Tuesday and which NBC News is the first to report, shows Warren is the first choice of 38 percent of MoveOn’s members nationwide — and she also comes in on top in each of the states of Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and California.

Sanders comes in second — 17 percent say he’s their first choice — trailing Warren by more than 20 points. Former Vice President Joe Biden and South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg are the only other candidates to earn double-digit support, and California Sen. Kamala Harris comes in with 7 percent support.