Vox reports:
President Donald Trump has just encountered the first real complication of his important London visit: a sleepy cat. During Trump’s Tuesday visit to 10 Downing Street, which serves as both the office and residence of UK Prime Minister Theresa May, a cat decided to lie down underneath the president’s limo, known as “The Beast.”
But it wasn’t some ordinary cat — it was Larry, the “chief mouser” of Downing Street who has lasted longer in the building than some British leaders. Larry had more success giving Trump’s security team a headache — albeit a very small one — on Tuesday than any of the demonstrators in the British capital.
Larry has 262,000 Twitter followers. Seriously.
If you think I’m getting off this windowsill you’ve got another thing coming… #TrumpUKVisit
(Photo: @davidbrunnstrom) pic.twitter.com/x6qwBzczMP— Larry the Cat (@Number10cat) June 4, 2019
Huge security issue as Larry the Downing St. cat shelters under Donald Trump’s limo ‘’the Beast’ & refuses to move. #TrumpinUK pic.twitter.com/i9w4B6w8FK
— Bill Neely (@BillNeelyNBC) June 4, 2019
I made my choice… #TrumpUKVisit pic.twitter.com/BeefKIiS5K
— Larry the Cat (@Number10cat) June 4, 2019
Lots of photographers on Downing Street today – I wonder who they could be here to see…
(Photo @BBCNormanS) pic.twitter.com/0WN08rDg6W— Larry the Cat (@Number10cat) June 4, 2019
If President Trump tries to grab this pussy, then he’ll find out it’s got claws… #TrumpUKVisit
— Larry the Cat (@Number10cat) June 3, 2019