Buzzfeed reports:
A charter-boat captain in Sarasota, Florida, was arrested Sunday for boating under the influence. But after police interviewed several witnesses, they quickly pieced together a horrifying narrative of a boat ride that allegedly involved alcohol, cocaine, gunshots, manhandling, and a hostage situation.
Records provided to BuzzFeed News by the Sarasota Police Department detailed written statements from at least five passengers on the boat who alleged that Bailey held them captive for 12 hours as he drank copious amounts of beer and Captain Morgan rum, got high, and fired off rounds of shots from a gun.
The chaos began when group of men hired 36-year-old Capt. Mark Bailey to drive them 60 miles into the Gulf of Mexico for a fishing trip. Things quickly took a scary turn.
Tampa’s ABC affiliate reports:
After the passengers pleaded to go home, the captain reportedly continued drinking, took out a 9mm handgun and fired 6-7 shots in the air. The captain appeared to turn around and head to shore, but the passengers soon discovered he was just driving in circles. They were able to use the compasses on their phones to confirm it.
When a passenger pleaded with him, the captain reportedly responded: “No, I can do this as long as I want, I do this for a living.” Eventually, when they got within cell phone range, the passengers contacted Sarasota police and the US Coast Guard.