NBC News reports:
The Roman Catholic bishop of Providence, Rhode Island, said Sunday that he regretted the controversy he created by telling Catholics to boycott Pride Month events but that he couldn’t renounce church teachings.
Bishop Thomas Tobin released a statement on Sunday saying he regretted “that my comments yesterday about Pride Month have turned out to be so controversial in our community, and offensive to some, especially the gay community.”
“That certainly was not my intention, but I understand why a good number of individuals have taken offense,” he said. But Tobin declined to withdraw the statement, saying, “As a Catholic Bishop, however, my obligation before God is to lead the faithful entrusted to my care and to teach the faith, clearly and compassionately, even on very difficult and sensitive issues.”
Vicious quotes from Tobin regularly appeared on JMG during the battles to repeal DADT and legalize same-sex marriage.
A reminder that Catholics should not support or attend LGBTQ “Pride Month” events held in June. They promote a culture and encourage activities that are contrary to Catholic faith and morals. They are especially harmful for children.
— Bishop Thomas Tobin (@ThomasJTobin1) June 1, 2019
Via HuffPost:
“A scathing grand jury report last year said the Catholic Church covered up decades of sexual abuse of some 1,000 victims by more than 300 priests in Pennsylvania, where Tobin was formerly posted.”https://t.co/C3MAx5IYsT
— Alex Morash (@AlexMorash) June 2, 2019
NEW: Bishop Tobin says they will be publicizing the names of priests “credibly accused” of sex abuse in the new year. https://t.co/zHTs6ie69u
— Tim White (@TimWhiteRI) December 21, 2018