Tony Perkins: The Equality Act “Quarantines Faith Within Your Mind” And “Memory Holes” Your Religious Freedom

Via press release from hate group leader Tony Perkins:

As the Equality Act (H.R. 5) just passed in the U.S. House of Representatives, I remind you, that this is an all-out assault on parental rights, on the family, and on the millions of people of faith in this country. The legislation goes far beyond just quarantining faith behind the four walls of a house of worship.

This act quarantines faith within your mind and says that’s where it must stay. It creates a world that punishes those who exercise their freedom to believe and live according to those beliefs. No institution or person of faith, be it a school, church, synagogue, mosque, business, or non-profit will escape its Orwellian reach.

The Religious Freedom Restoration Act will be committed to the “memory hole.” We will then experience a catastrophic loss of religious freedom in America, and, as a result, every American, those who believe and do not believe, will suffer the consequences. The American people must continue to speak with great force and clarity in opposition to the “In-equality” Act.