The Associated Press reports:
The Pentagon is shifting $1.5 billion in funds originally targeted for support of the Afghan security forces and other projects to help pay for construction of 80 miles of wall at the U.S.-Mexican border, officials said Friday.
Congress was notified of the move Friday. It follows the Pentagon’s decision in March to transfer $1 billion from Army personnel budget accounts to support wall construction. Some lawmakers have been highly critical of the Pentagon shifting money not originally authorized for border security.
The combined total of $2.5 billion is in response to President Donald Trump’s declaration of a national emergency at the border, where Customs and Border Protection personnel are struggling to cope with increasing numbers of Central American families attempting to gain entry. Trump vetoed Congress’ attempt to reverse his emergency declaration.
"Today, I authorized the transfer of $1.5 billion toward the construction of more than 80 miles of border barrier,” @ActingSecDef said Friday. w/@caitlinmkenney
— Claudia Grisales (@cgrisales) May 10, 2019
"A U.S. official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said the latest transfer would include $604 million from funds for the Afghan security forces, which are struggling to hold territory against Taliban militants."
— DAME Magazine (@damemagazine) May 10, 2019
“Today, the Defense Department will divert another $1.5 billion from our military" to Trump's border wall, Sen. Dick Durbin says
— Roll Call (@rollcall) May 10, 2019