‘You’ve had two years of lies and hoaxes and conspiracy theories pedaled every second of every minute of every hour of every day. And it’s just one more round of lying tinfoil hat conspiracy theories, Trump bashing over a narrative that is totally dead and buried. Because tonight, well the fact remains, there was no Trump-Russia collusion. There was no obstruction, nothing has changed. Mueller has spent $25 plus million investigating a hoax and now for the fourth time we have a conclusion. No collusion, no conspiracy.
“Today he officially resigned from the Office of Special Counsel but not before showing the world, of course, what we already knew on this program, his partisan hackery true colors if you will. You have a career bureaucrat, nothing more than a Trump hating partisan, who is now all but cheering for impeachment based on nothing. And we were right the entire time. Watch this. Number one, Mr. Mueller doesn’t know the law, he’s basically full of crap. And the special counsel’s regulations they are very clear.” – Sean Hannity, on last night’s show.