Mueller Report: Junior Was Too Stupid To Prosecute

Law & Crime reports:

British publicist Rob Goldstone had reached out to Donald Trump Jr., the president’s eldest son, to set up the meeting during the 2016 campaign. Goldstone wrote in emails that Russia had “official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to [Trump Jr.’s] father,” as “part of Russia and its government’s support to Mr. Trump.”

“Trump Jr. appears to have accepted that offer and to have arranged a meeting to receive those materials,” Mueller wrote in his report.

“Documentary evidence in the form of email chains supports the inference that Kushner and Manafort were aware of that purpose and attended the June 9 meeting anticipating the receipt of helpful information to the Campaign from Russian sources. To prove that a defendant acted ‘knowledgeably and willfully,’ the government would have to show that the defendant had general knowledge his conduct was unlawful,” said the report.

Vanity Fair reports:

Elsewhere, Mueller notes that his investigation “has not developed evidence that the participants in the meeting were familiar with the foreign-contribution ban or the application of federal law to the relevant factual context.” While most people would obviously be happy to avoid prison time, they might also think twice about doing a victory lap after it came out that their actions bordered on criminal and it was only their obvious ignorance that saved them. And yet!