#QAnon Nutbag Liz Crokin: The College Admissions Scandal Will Prove How Hollywood Celebs “Eat Babies”

“The most important thing people need to understand about this story is the mass arrests are happening! These celebrities were sealed indictments, people. The mass arrests are officially happening. We are seeing the beginning of the sealed indictments being unsealed. We’re seeing the beginning of evil members of the frickin’ cabal being exposed, and this is just the beginning. This is just the absolute tip of the iceberg.

“So no more comments please on any of my social media or on YouTube saying, ‘When are the mass arrests going to happen?’ or, ‘I’m doubting you, Liz, that they’re going to happen.’ They’re happening! They are happening right now! Wait until they hear about how people in Hollywood eat babies. This is the least of the crimes that these people are guilty of.” – Leading QAnon nutbag Liz Crokin.

Crokin has been banned by Twitter, in part, for making wild accusations of pedophilia and cannibalism against major celebrities. She has sneaked back on multiple times under different usernames. Her YouTube clips regularly get hundreds of thousands of views.

PREVIOUSLY ON JMG: Corkin claims Trump purposely misspelled “hamburger” to mock Obama and his “Satanist pals.” Crokin claims Hollywood celebrities set California’s wildfires to cover up evidence of their pedophilia. Crokin claims California mudslides were God’s punishment to Oprah for being anti-Trump. Crokin claims that all of Trump’s “loudest critics” are involved in pedophilia and that one-third of all elected officials are “Satanic cannibals” who “drink the blood of children.” Crokin declares that she knows Jesus Christ is real because demons gave her dog bloody diarrhea. Crokin made national headlines in 2018 when she accused model Chrissy Teigen and her husband, pop star John Legend, of being involved in pedophilia.