“Christian Witches” To Hold Salem Convention: The Bible Is A Book Of Sorcery And Jesus Was A Magician

The Christian Post reports:

The first annual Christian witches convention is set to be hosted in Salem, Massachusetts, this April and will feature internationally recognized Prophet Calvin Witcher who agrees with the convention’s host that Jesus was a sorcerer and the Bible is really a “book of magic.”

The Rev. Valerie Love, the force behind the event who describes herself as a practicing Christian witch and an ordained minister of spiritual consciousness, recently launched the Covenant of Christian Witches Mystery School to help Christians tap into magic, which critics are condemning as “dangerous.”

She insists there is nothing wrong with the idea of Christians practicing magic despite biblical warnings against it. “The Bible is a huge book of sorcery. You literally can’t get around that. You can’t get around Jesus being a magician. There’s just no way,” Witcher said.