Anti-LGBT Fox Contributor Accused Of Abusing Patients, Allegedly Lured Them Into Slave Relationships [VIDEO]

The Boston Globe reports:

A prominent North Shore psychiatrist is facing lawsuits from three female patients who say he lured them into degrading sexual relationships, including beatings, conversations about bondage, and, in one case, getting a tattoo of the doctor’s initials to show his “ownership” of her, according to court documents.

The women allege that Dr. Keith Ablow, an author who was a contributor to Fox News network until 2017, abused his position while treating them for acute depression, leaving them unable to trust authority figures and plagued with feelings of shame and self-recrimination.

“He began to hit me when we engaged in sexual activities,” wrote one plaintiff, a New York woman, in a sworn affidavit filed with her lawsuit. “He would have me on my knees and begin to beat me with his hands on my breasts,” she wrote, “occasionally saying, ‘I own you,’ or ‘You are my slave.’”

There’s much more at the link. No paywall. Ablow has appeared on JMG multiple times for his attacks on LGBT rights and for his claim that same-sex marriage will result in legalized polygamy and humans marrying dogs. Oh, and Donald Trump is a literal genius. He still appears on Fox News opinion shows regularly.