Peter Montgomery reports at Right Wing Watch:
Frank Amedia, a former Trump campaign adviser and founder of the Trump-supporting POTUS Shield network of “apostles” and “prophets,” said in a year-end video message that Trump’s presidency, his conflicts with European leaders, and the creation of the Space Force as a new branch of the military are all part of God’s plan to bring about the second coming of Jesus Christ.
Amedia said that one of Trump’s “assignments” from God has been to “halt globalization. We’re not nationalists, we’re kingdom people,” Amedia explained. “We understand that the kingdom of God operates here on earth through rulers.”
Amedia also took some credit for Trump’s move to create a Space Force. “I had prophesied early on” that Trump would make a move in space, said Amedia, who said that he was present at the first meeting about space over which Vice President Mike Pence presided.
As you may recall, this is the same nutbag who claims to have raised an ant from the dead after squishing it.
Oh, and he’s also stopped tsunamis and turned away hurricanes with the power of Jeebus.