“Wait until it is discovered that homosexuality is genetic, and wait until prospective parents could be told that their child might be gay at birth. You know who’s going to do the fastest 180 from pro-choice to pro-life? The entire homosexual community is going to become pro-life overnight. I’m just telling you, you start cheapening life this way, and then you cheapen it even further by claiming a baby isn’t even a person, a baby is not a human being, then, folks, you’re next.
“We’re all next, depending on how much power they get, and the basis on which they determine who gets to live and who doesn’t. And what if down the road, a bunch of liberals decide, you know, rather than have to put up with a bunch of opposition, a bunch of conservatives, let’s just wipe them out. You think that will never happen. It can happen.” – Rush Limbaugh, on today’s radio show.
The “homosexuality is a chosen behavior” Christianists are gonna LOVE this.