In yet another juicy excerpt from Cliff Sims’ Team Of Vipers, he recounts doing a project for Kellyanne Conway on her laptop as a stream of her iMessage chats crossed its screen.
Over the course of 20 minutes or so, she was having simultaneous conversations with no fewer than a half-dozen reporters, most of them from outlets the White House frequently trashed for publishing “fake news.”
Journalists from The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN, Politico, and Bloomberg were all popping up on the screen. As I sat there trying to type, she bashed Jared Kushner, Reince Priebus, Steve Bannon, and Sean Spicer, all by name.
She also recounted private conversations she’d had with the president, during which, at least in her telling, she’d convinced him to see things her way, which she said was a challenge when you’re dealing with someone so unpredictable and unrestrained.
Read the full excerpt here.