Another action-packed year has come and gone for this here website thingy, which in a few months will mark its 15th anniversary. (Wow!) I want to sincerely thank all of you, longtime JMG flying monkeys and newbies alike, for coming along on the endless Trump-zaster that 2018 has been. While the last year has seemed like nothing but an infinite stream of what-the-fuckery, at least it ends with the happy knowledge that in just a few days Democrats will again wield the gavel.
As I mention in this post every year, aggregating breaking news is like a homework assignment that is never done, but is always due. Nevertheless, you all make it a lot easier with your emails, your story tips, and your participation. I thank you all for your robust opinions and for making the JMG comments section the most lively in the entire LGBTQ blogosphere. I’m happy to have met so many of you at our JMG meetups and look forward to meeting many more of you over the next year.
Lastly, I want to extend a big furry hug to all of you who hit the JMG tip jar. Digital ad rates have cratered and half the world uses ad blockers, but thanks to you, we’re managing to keep the lights on. Tomorrow I’ll be getting the monthly recap from PayPal which is finally formatted to send me your names and email addresses, so look for personal notes of appreciation in the next few days. On behalf of myself and our noble tech team, Dan and Russ, who battle our enemies behind the scenes, have a deliciously gay 2019!