The Wrap reports:
Tucker Carlson has lost another advertiser: seafood chain Red Lobster confirmed to The Wrap that it will drop the prime time Fox News program. “Red Lobster’s advertising buying guidelines reflect our core values and commitment to supporting programming that represents the highest standards of good taste, fair practice and objectivity. We reserve the right to make changes to our purchases when the dialogue is no longer in line with our criteria,” the company said in a statement.
And here comes the boycott.
Was he against salmonella?
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) January 9, 2019
Potential Red Lobster slogans
RED LOBSTER: Where we paint shrimp red and put them in tanks.™
RED LOBSTER: Bringing fresh frozen seafood to the middle of the country.™
RED LOBSTER: Our lobsters are 100% cooked by heat lamps.™
RED LOBSTER: 100% real imitation seafood.™
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) January 9, 2019
Red Lobster Pulls Advertising From Tucker’s Show, Conservatives Fire Back With A Vengeance
— Sarah Palin (@SarahPalinUSA) January 11, 2019
It is time for Us on the Right, Conservatives, Republicans to come together and let our financial strength let companies like Red Lobster understand, their caving to the radical left will come with devistating consequences! #BoycottRedLobster Tweet! Retweet! Time to get respect!
— ThatsRight! (@rob_maceachern) January 11, 2019
Who eats at @redlobster anyway? I can get food poisoning anywhere. Cowards. #boycottredlobster
— Mike, from Mike’s office (@CopTheTruth) January 9, 2019
@redlobster We will never visit any of your restaurants again. As a corporation you have shown your anti-american colors and this will not be overlooked. #boycottredlobster
— Jan III Sobieski (@Jan4Sobieski) January 9, 2019