ABC News reports:
A Florida man spent New Years day in a jail cell after police say he attacked a McDonald’s employee for not giving him a straw.
Police say 41-year-old Daniel Taylor forcefully grabbed the staffer and pulled her up onto the counter. According to police, she defended herself by punching Taylor in the face.
The new law, which took effect January 1 in St. Petersburg says restaurants can’t have straws out. Instead, customers must request the straw.
#FloridaMan arrested for attacking McDonald’s employee over not getting a straw, police say.
— ABC Action News (@abcactionnews) January 2, 2019
#stpetepd arrested Daniel Taylor on 12/31 shortly after a video was taken at a St. Pete McDonald's of a tussle over straws. Taylor grabbed an employee who defended herself by punching him. He was charged w/ 2 counts of simple battery – he kicked another employee on his way out.
— St. Pete Police (@StPetePD) January 2, 2019