Trump Charges Public For Mar-A-Lago’s New Year’s Eve Party Tents As Partial Government Shutdown Continues

Government Executive reports:

Even as much of the federal government grinds to a halt, Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort still needs tents for the winter party season—and taxpayers are footing at least $54,000 of the bill.

According to government spending data, Grimes Events & Party Tents Inc. of Delray Beach, Florida was paid $54,020 by the U.S. Secret Service on December 19 for “TENT RENTAL FOR MAL.”

An employee named Honey who answered the phone at Grimes Events & Party Tents told Quartz, “We are providing tents for the Mar-a-Lago New Year’s Eve party, yes.”

And that’s just for the tents. As many as 800,000 federal workers could be furloughed without pay if the shutdown continues.