Ted Cruz Backs Out Of CNN Town Hall With Beto

Salon reports:

Sen. Ted Cruz has decided to not participate in a CNN town hall event with his Democratic rival, Rep. Beto O’Rourke. So instead, O’Rourke will get a full hour on the cable news network alone.

The town hall event will be held in the Texas town of McAllen and had initially been accepted by both candidates. As CNN reported, however, “Sen. Ted Cruz’s campaign initially accepted CNN’s invitation to participate” but then retracted their offer.

Jeff Roe, Cruz’s campaign manager, disputes that characterization, writing on Twitter that “to be clear, the Cruz campaign proposed that @CNN host one of the Cruz-O’Rourke debates. The O’Rourke campaign declined. @CNN subsequently offered back to back town halls, in which we are unable to participate.”

Cruz just retweeted the below.