Pastors Booted From Sessions Speech After Quoting Bible: “I Was A Stranger And You Did Not Welcome Me”

The Birmingham Herald reports:

A Methodist pastor from Massachusetts was escorted out of the room today after interrupting Attorney General Jeff Sessions to question the Trump administration’s immigration policies. Sessions was speaking at the Boston Lawyers chapter of the Federalist Society when a man, later identified as United Methodist Pastor Will Green of Ballard Vale United Church in Andover, Mass., interrupted with quoted lines from the Bible.

“I was hungry and you did not feed me. I was a stranger and you did not welcome me. I was naked and you did not clothe me,” Green said. “Brother Jeff, as a fellow United Methodist I call upon you to repent, to care for those in need, to remember that when you do not care for others, you are wounding the body of Christ.” The pastor was then escorted from the room. Another pastor, identified as Darrell Hamilton of First Baptist Church of Boston, also addressed Sessions and was escorted out.