NBC News reports:
While investigating the possibility of a hoax, the Hill Reporter‘s Ed Krassenstein, who was one of the reporters contacted, said he received threats, including a text message reading, “You’re in over your head…. Drop this” which included his and another editor’s home addresses. Krassenstein and other journalists also pointed to Jacob Wohl, a disgraced hedge fund manager turned pro-Trump conspiracy theorist and Surefire Intelligence, a company connected to him, as being involved with Burkman’s alleged plot.
The allegations still took off as viral posts on far-right news sites known for spreading fake news and disinformation tied to Wohl. Gateway Pundit, where Wohl is employed as a writer, touted their “exclusive documents” about a “very credible witness.” Wohl declined to comment on his involvement with Surefire Intelligence.
However, his email is listed in the domain records for Surefire Intelligence’s website and calls to a number listed on the Surefire Intelligence website went to a voicemail message which provided another phone number, listed in public records as belonging to Wohl’s mother. Wohl stopped responding to NBC News after being told Surefire’s official phone number redirects to his mother’s voicemail.
Definitely hit the link above for more.
The MSM has launched a coordinated smear campaign against me, claiming that I offered money to a woman to make accusations against Mueller? Their claims are BASELESS!
Who is this “woman”?
— Jacob Wohl (@JacobAWohl) October 30, 2018
Who owns Surefire Intelligence, Jacob? pic.twitter.com/o0kfFyo9ko
— Peter Jukes (@peterjukes) October 30, 2018
Hey Jacob, here’s some unsolicited advice:
Don’t do illegal business from websites that can be traced to you. Don’t try to frame FBI directors.
You’re still not getting a pardon. pic.twitter.com/T1TSO0HuS1
— Angry WH Staffer (@AngrierWHStaff) October 30, 2018
New from me + @brandyzadrozny + @tom_winter:
A company called “Surefire Intelligence” has ties to this Mueller smear.
Jacob Wohl denied having ties to Surefire.
Surefire’s official phone number redirects to a voicemail box registered to Jacob’s mom.https://t.co/aVPzVDjGR4
— Ben Collins (@oneunderscore__) October 30, 2018
Jacob gave us comment at first, but went quiet when we told him Surefire Intelligence’s phone number redirected to a voicemail account registered to his mom.https://t.co/aVPzVDjGR4
— Ben Collins (@oneunderscore__) October 30, 2018
HOLY SHIT read this thread. @Jack_Burkman, @DavidWohl and @JacobAWohl are The Parallax View remade with The Three Stooges. https://t.co/O5p5XwMZC1
— Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) October 30, 2018
Jacob Wohl aka ? is really moving up in life. Investigated by the FEC for fraud in his teens and now a potential target in an FBI investigation in his 20s https://t.co/OKueHYCZ1m
— Evan Siegfried (@evansiegfried) October 30, 2018
this thread about the dipshittery of @JacobAWohl is glorious ? https://t.co/HU7EWe0LTp
— shauna (@goldengateblond) October 30, 2018
Both Jacob Wohl and his father, David Wohl, have now blocked me.
I am seriously having a karmagasm right now.
I may need a cigarette. https://t.co/GnOgmMvVGA
— The Hoarse Whisperer (@HoarseWisperer) October 30, 2018