CNN just reported that they have switched broadcasting to their DC offices after being forced to evacuate Manhattan’s Time Warner Center due to a suspicious package reportedly found in their mail room. Law enforcement is on the scene and CNN staffers are weighing in on-air from the street on their cell phones. Story developing…
Here's the moment CNN had to handoff to DC and evacuate Time Warner Center in New York
— Josh Billinson (@jbillinson) October 24, 2018
Scene outside CNN NY HQ right now. #NYPD Bomb squad here. @CNNnewsroom
— Jim Sciutto (@jimsciutto) October 24, 2018
Everyone at CNN NY being evacuated. Swarms of NYPD outside — I wasn’t allowed to grab a coat or any of my belongings — told to immediately go to staircase
— MJ Lee (@mj_lee) October 24, 2018