Liberty University’s movie about “Christian prophet” Mark Taylor premieres tonight. Trailer below. Meanwhile, he has some thoughts about Hurricane Florence.
Kyle Mantyla has the quote at Right Wing Watch:
“I saw where North Carolina had done the voter fraud stuff for the machines, for this, that, and the other; they had caught it or something like that and they were going after it,” Taylor said. “I said, ‘Oh boy.’ Sure enough, there is was; here comes the hurricane. Bigger than life, there is was. And I just found out, literally, though another source of mine, contact this morning, sure enough, they said it was in fact made by man and generated by the HAARP system, basically, and it was meant to try and flood North Carolina and flood out the evidence of what was going on with the voter fraud.”
PREVIOUSLY ON JMG: Mark Taylor claims that John McCain was secretly executed for treason by a military tribunal on Trump’s orders. Mark Taylor predicts that liberals will create hurricanes during the midterms to suppress pro-Trump voters. Mark Taylor predicts that God will have former presidents executed for daring to criticize Trump. Mark Taylor declares that Trump will release the secret cures for cancer and Alzheimer’s during his second term. Mark Tayler reveals that Freemasons are using a secret frequency to make people hate Trump. Mark Taylor reveals that God personally gave him a secret prayer that “jams the radar” of Democrats.