Raw Story reports:
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) told a rally crowd in Humble, Texas that his opponent would turn Texas into California by bringing “tofu, silicon and dyed hair,” according to a Reuters reporter.
James Oliphant of Reuters was at the rally, where Cruz was asked repeatedly about a White House aide’s comments suggesting that he could lose to Democratic opponent Beto O’Rourke because he is unlikable.
At Cruz event in Humble, Texas: warm up speaker wearing MAGA hat, warns of Beto receiving “George Soros” money. #TXSen
— James Oliphant (@jamesoliphant) September 8, 2018
The Democrats, Cruz tells the crowd, want to turn Texas into California with their “tofu, silicon, and dyed hair.”
— James Oliphant (@jamesoliphant) September 8, 2018
Cruz calls O’Rourke “Beto.” Some in the crowd here yell “His name is Robert Francis!” #TXSen
— James Oliphant (@jamesoliphant) September 8, 2018
Cruz just did his Inigo Montoya impression at his Katy rally.
— James Oliphant (@jamesoliphant) September 8, 2018
Cruz crowd gets most fired up at the mention of building the border wall.
— James Oliphant (@jamesoliphant) September 8, 2018
.@TedCruz, asked after rally in Humble, Texas, about White House budget director Mick Mulvaney’s view that he may lose to @BetoORourke because he’s not “likeable” enough: “I haven’t seen the stories. I’m not going to comment on stories I haven’t seen.” https://t.co/HPxqn7jPkb
— Todd J. Gillman (@toddgillman) September 8, 2018