Nikki Haley To Anonymous Op-Ed Writer: There’s No Shame In Resigning If You Oppose Trump So Much

Nikki Haley writes for the Washington Post:

I, too, am a senior Trump administration official. I proudly serve in this administration, and I enthusiastically support most of its decisions and the direction it is taking the country.

But I don’t agree with the president on everything. When there is disagreement, there is a right way and a wrong way to address it. I pick up the phone and call him or meet with him in person.

To Mr. or Ms. Anonymous, I say: Step up and help the administration do great things for the country. If you disagree with some policies, make your case directly to the president.

If that doesn’t work, and you are truly bothered by the direction of the administration, then resign on principle. There is no shame in that.

But do not stay in your position and secretly undermine the president and the rest of our team. It is cowardly, it is anti-democratic, and it is a disservice to our country.