The Japan Mainichi reports:
The Tokyo Metropolitan Government is set to propose the first ordinance bill including a stipulation to prohibit discrimination against LGBT and other sexual minorities to the metropolitan assembly on Sept. 19. The bill is prospectively named “the ordinance aiming to realize the idea of respect for human rights in the Olympic Charter.”
The Olympic Charter, established by the International Olympic Committee (IOC), stipulates the “Fundamental Principles of Olympism” as the “enjoyment of the rights and freedoms” being protected “without discrimination of any kind, such as race, color, sex, sexual orientation, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.”
Although the charter is not legally binding, the Tokyo government has decided to enact the ordinance ahead of the city hosting the 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games.
Local activists say it’s not yet clear what punishments, if any, would result from violating the ordinance.
RELATED: Homosexuality was only briefly criminalized in Japan during a 7-year period in the 19th century. Eight cities (but not Tokyo) currently recognize same-sex partnerships. Tokyo Pride launched in 2012. A relatively small survey in 2015 showed that a slim majority support same-sex marriage.
Tokyo Metropolitan Government to propose this week the nation’s first ordinance that would ban discrimination against LGBT individuals. It is being portrayed as another measure to bring the capital in line with the spirit of the Olympic Charter. (MP) #Tokyo #LGBT #Japan #TMG
— SNA Japan (@ShingetsuNews) September 18, 2018