NBC News Chicago reports:
In his first interview since he was forced out of his church following the burning of a rainbow pride flag, Father Paul Kalchik reveals that he’s been in hiding since the incident took place. Kalchik spoke to the conservative Catholic website Church Militant this week after he was removed from Resurrection Parish following the burning of the flag, which once hung in the church’s sanctuary.
In the interview, Kalchik told the website that he was initially told he would be sent to St. Luke’s Institute, a psychiatric center in Maryland that focuses on mental health care for priests. The pastor was told not to destroy the flag, but insists that he never received verbal instructions not to do so. “Cardinal (Blasé) Cupich doesn’t operate in a written format,” he said. “Nobody said to not destroy it.”
In the below interview with Michael Voris, the comically bewigged and allegedly ex-gay founder of Church Militant, Kalchik claims to have gotten death threats from “homosexualists from the north side of Chicago.”
Describing the ceremony in which he burned the flag, Kalchik declares, “Evil needs to be dealt with.”
As you may recall, Kalchik cited the bible verse that calls for executing homosexuals in an earlier interview, saying that he is “quite literal” when it comes to that part of Leviticus.
(Tipped by JMG reader Larry)