The Washington Post reports:
It got off to a bad start, and President Trump’s venomous relationship with Sen. John McCain probably won’t end well either. The president was reportedly disinvited to McCain’s funeral months ago, after McCain’s battle with brain cancer took a turn for the worse, and now the veteran Arizona Republican senator has decided to discontinue medical treatment.
Throughout McCain’s illness, Trump has continued to publicly snub him — including a recent appearance in which the president declined to say McCain’s name when signing a bill that was named for him. As of late Friday, Trump had said nothing about McCain’s medical decision.
Trump does not want to comment on McCain before he dies, White House officials said, and there was no effort to publish a statement Friday as many politicians released supportive comments on the ailing senator.
Rememeber when John McCain spent 5.5 years in a POW camp and Trump said “I like people who weren’t captured”?
If Donald Trump was any kind of a decent man, he would apologize to John McCain for that comment before it’s too late.
— Denizcan Grimes (@MrFilmkritik) August 24, 2018
I still don’t understand how Trump’s “I like people who weren’t captured” about John McCain comment didn’t end his presidential campaign in its infancy.
— Ben Harris (@btharris93) August 24, 2018
Trump has never made a public apology for his terrible comments about Senator John McCain. A more decent and honorable person would have apologized long ago.
— Mike Levin (@MikeLevinCA) August 24, 2018
Trump took time out to send warm wishes to Kim Jong-Un but hasn’t said a thing about John McCain…
— Roland Scahill (@rolandscahill) August 24, 2018
The fact that Donald Trump thinks disgraced convicted felon Paul Manafort is “brave” for not “breaking” under pressure from federal prosecutors, but attacks war hero John McCain, who didn’t break after being tortured in Vietnam, tells you all you need to know about Donald Trump.
— Brian Klaas (@brianklaas) August 25, 2018
Trump has told White House aides he does not regret saying McCain is not a war hero. He tells advisers that McCain has a vendetta against him and that he wishes he’d step down. He doesn’t plan to say a laudatory word about the ailing senator.
— Josh Dawsey (@jdawsey1) August 25, 2018
The Trump staffers who leak this story don’t mention anyone in the White House who disagrees with Trump saying McCain is not a war hero.
— Lawrence O’Donnell (@Lawrence) August 25, 2018