The Associated Press reports:
White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders says she cannot guarantee that President Donald Trump has never used a racial slur. Sanders said, “I haven’t been in every single room,” when asked if she can say with certainty that Trump has never used the N-word.
Ex-Trump aide Omarosa Manigault Newman has alleged she has heard Trump on tape using the slur. Trump said Monday on Twitter that he doesn’t “have that word in my vocabulary, and never had.” Sanders says she “can’t guarantee” Trump has never used the word, but calls Manigault Newman’s claims “salacious and ridiculous.”
“I’ve never heard him use that term or anything similar” but “I can’t guarantee” that President Trump hasn’t used the n-word, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders says
— CNN Politics (@CNNPolitics) August 14, 2018