CBS News reports:
Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani weighed in on a bloody weekend in Chicago, in a mistake-laden tweetstorm, blaming the city’s Democratic elected leaders, and claiming former police superintendent and current mayoral candidate Garry McCarthy “can do a lot better.”
In a series of four tweets overnight, Giuliani twice mistakenly referred to McCarthy as “Jerry,” twice misspelled Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s last name, and falsely claimed 63 people had been murdered over the weekend.
The former Republican presidential candidate’s tweets came amid an especially violent weekend in Chicago, which saw at least 11 people killed and 47 others wounded from Friday evening through early Monday. Many of those victims were wounded in a string of six mass shootings in seven hours early Sunday.
Despite this weekend’s carnage, Chicago’s murder rate has actually dropped in recent years. Contrary to Giuliani’s claim, the peak year for murders was 1974.
63 murders this weekend in Rahm Emmanuel’s Chicago. His legacy more murders in his city than ever before. It’s only because of Democrat brain washing that he has even a chance of remaining. Support police professional Garry McCarthy.
— Rudy Giuliani (@RudyGiuliani) August 6, 2018
Giuliani with another inaccurate tweet about Chicago. 73 people were shot over the weekend, 11 of them fatally. Also misspelled the mayor’s name again.
— Bill Ruthhart (@BillRuthhart) August 6, 2018
In error-ridden tweets, Rudy Giuliani lashes out Mayor Rahm “Emmanuel,” greatly exaggerates Chicago’s weekend murder total, and praises former CPD Supt. “Jerry” McCarthy as a “genius.”
— CBS Chicago (@cbschicago) August 6, 2018
Rudy Giuliani tweeted about Chicago’s gun violence, blaming the city’s bloodshed on decades of Democratic control.
He also praised mayoral candidate Garry McCarthy, calling him “Jerry” twice while doing so.
— WLS-AM 890 (@wlsam890) August 6, 2018