“It’s an outrage. Little teeny children as young as two years-old being exposed cross-dressers, homosexuals who dress up as women and are called so-called drag queens. They’re men acting like women — and they used to, out in San Francisco, used to call them ‘he-shes’ — and they’re reading books to children. If you read the Bible, there were a couple of cities where they actually, the men tried to have sex with angels who were then as male figures and God destroyed those cities. The crime was called, subsequent to that, it was called sodomy.
“It’s an affront in the eyes of God and I think that’s what we’re trying to do is stick our fingers in God’s eyes and say, ‘Okay Lord, you thought you were making people men and women, but we’re going to fix it so that we’re going to confuse the sexes, we’re going to confuse everything that you’re doing and then, if we have offspring as a result of our sexual activity out of marriage, we’re going to kill the offspring and we’ll stick our fingers in your eye to show you who’s boss.’
“The United States of America is on very slippery ground. How is God going to bless America if we put our finger in his eyes repeatedly? And that’s what we’re doing. It’s not just some library that is going to be in trouble, it’s the whole population when God brings judgment.” – Pat Robertson, on libraries hosting drag queen “story hours” for children.