Raw Story reports:
First lady Melania Trump on Monday delivered a new speech to discuss her “Be Best” campaign to stop children from being cyberbullied — and she may have used the speech to take a veiled shot at President Donald Trump. During the first lady’s remarks, she said that social media services such as Twitter and Facebook “can be destructive and harmful if used incorrectly.” Later in the speech, she then added, “Let’s face it: most children are more aware of the benefits and pitfalls of social media than some adults.”
First lady Melania Trump speaks out against cyberbullying as part of her Be Best campaign, warning against “destructive and harmful” uses of social media https://t.co/ZaDPTYfZm9 pic.twitter.com/O8VgZV1qIX
— CNN (@CNN) August 20, 2018
First Lady Melania Trump joins cyberbullying summit — as her husband uses social media to tear into critics https://t.co/mpKFXh78Ms pic.twitter.com/8AHBEzPpJk
— New York Daily News (@NYDailyNews) August 20, 2018
“Let’s face it: most children are aware of the benefits and pitfalls of social media than some adults.” – Melania Trump speaking about cyberbullying
— Eugene Scott (@Eugene_Scott) August 20, 2018