The Washington Examiner reports:
Attorney General Jeff Sessions has been in plenty of public battles with President Trump, but this week’s tense exchange between the two now have some thinking that Sessions may be on the way out. One Trump ally, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., talked openly about the clock running out on Sessions after more than a year of Trump’s obvious frustration with his attorney general.
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, who also warned last year that he wouldn’t hold a confirmation hearing for a new attorney general, signaled in an interview with Bloomberg News that he might be able to make time for a hearing. Those reactions have some observers saying the writing is on the wall, and Sessions’ career might be numbered in months.
“I put in an attorney general who never took control of the Justice Department,” Trump said in a Fox News interview that aired Thursday morning. “He took my job, and then he said, “I’m going to recuse myself.’ I said, ‘What kind of man is this?’”
Jeff Sessions said he wouldn’t allow politics to influence him only because he doesn’t understand what is happening underneath his command position. Highly conflicted Bob Mueller and his gang of 17 Angry Dems are having a field day as real corruption goes untouched. No Collusion!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 25, 2018
.@LindseyGrahamSC “Every President deserves an Attorney General they have confidence in. I believe every President has a right to their Cabinet, these are not lifetime appointments. You serve at the pleasure of the President.”
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 25, 2018