The prayer of the day from the Family Research Council:
California AB2943 Counseling BAN Vote Expected Tomorrow — Believers are rallying in California to prevent the criminalization of counseling, speech, books, advertising, and every kind of therapy to help people who seek to overcome unwanted same-sex attraction or gender confusion. The U.S. Supreme Court, in the Masterpiece Cakeshop case, rebuked Colorado Human Rights Commission officials for contending “that religious beliefs cannot legitimately be carried into the public sphere or commercial domain.”
In America, Christian counselors have every right to practice their ministry, and individuals with spiritual, psychological, and/or other needs have a right to seek guidance and help from counselors they trust. If this bill passes, it could lead to copy-cat bills being passed in states across America. If you live in California, click HERE or call (916) 651-4171 and ask for your State Senator.
Father, show those who seek to prevent people in desperate need from getting help the error of their ways. Father, please intervene to thwart this unjust bill from becoming law! May Your people be prepared in advance to prevent such efforts in their states. (Pr 27:12; Mt 23:15; Mt 18:6; 1 Th 5:17; 1 Tim 1:5; 2:8).