From the editorial board of the Wall Street Journal:
Details from the private Trump-Putin talks in Helsinki will spill out in coming days, but Monday’s joint press conference was a personal and national embarrassment. On stage with the dictator whose election meddling has done so much harm to his Presidency, Mr. Trump couldn’t even bring himself to say he believed his own intelligence advisers like Dan Coats over the Russian strongman.
Denials from liars usually are strong and powerful. The charitable explanation for this kowtow to the Kremlin is that Mr. Trump can’t get past his fury that critics claim his election was tainted by Russian interference. And so he couldn’t resist, in front of the world, going off on a solipsistic ramble about Hillary Clinton’s emails and Democratic servers.
He was the one on stage beseeching Mr. Putin for a better relationship, while the Russian played it cool and matter of fact. Mr. Trump touted their personal rapport, saying the bilateral ‘relationship has never been worse than it is now. However, that changed as of about four hours ago. I really believe that.’ In four hours?
The WSJ is owned by Rupert Murdoch.