From the right wing Townhall:
While President Trump has faced widespread backlash from Republicans and Democrats alike over his performance at the Helsinki Summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin — not everyone was displeased. Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), in fact, liked much of what Trump had to say. He brushed aside criticism Trump received from within the GOP as nothing more than “Trump derangement syndrome.”
“Republicans that are making the criticism are either the pro-war Republicans like (Sen. John) McCain and (Sen. Lindsey) Graham or the anti-Trump ones like (Sen. Ben) Sasse,” he said. “They are motivated by their persistent and consistent dislike of the president.” Mitt Romney called Trump’s performance “disgraceful” while McCain said the meeting with the Russian leader was a “tragic mistake.”
Thank you @RandPaul, you really get it! “The President has gone through a year and a half of totally partisan investigations – what’s he supposed think?”
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 17, 2018
Senator @RandPaul: “I think the president did a good thing by meeting with Putin and I think it’s a mistake for people to try to turn this into a partisan escapade.”
— CBS This Morning (@CBSThisMorning) July 17, 2018
“For someone who is for transparency, Senator, a lot of people are outraged that this meeting took place privately. I think that’s what was a lot of concern as well.” — @biannagolodryga to Sen. @RandPaul
— CBS This Morning (@CBSThisMorning) July 17, 2018
Trump’s not sounding like he’s going to back away from his Putin comments.
Rand Paul said on CBS this morning that Trump “did a good thing by meeting with Putin.”
— Jennifer Jacobs (@JenniferJJacobs) July 17, 2018