Politico reports:
President Donald Trump renewed his complaints Monday about the Russia investigation of special counsel Robert Mueller, writing online that it was triggered by a now-infamous dossier of salacious but unverified information detailing ties between Russia and the president’s campaign.
Contrary to Trump’s Monday morning tweet, the newly declassified Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court wiretap application shows that investigators did not base their request solely on the infamous dossier, compiled by former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele and funded in part by Clinton and the Democratic National Committee, but also on other sources of information.
And while Trump claimed Monday that it was the Steel dossier that set off Mueller’s probe, it was in fact the president’s decision to fire then-FBI Director James Comey that prompted deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to appoint a special counsel to lead the investigation.
So we now find out that it was indeed the unverified and Fake Dirty Dossier, that was paid for by Crooked Hillary Clinton and the DNC, that was knowingly & falsely submitted to FISA and which was responsible for starting the totally conflicted and discredited Mueller Witch Hunt!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 23, 2018
“It was classified to cover up misconduct by the FBI and the Justice Department in misleading the Court by using this Dossier in a dishonest way to gain a warrant to target the Trump Team. This is a Clinton Campaign document. It was a fraud and a hoax designed to target Trump….
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 23, 2018
….and the DOJ, FBI and Obama Gang need to be held to account. Source #1 was the major source. Avoided talking about it being the Clinton campaign behind it. Misled the Court to provide a pretext to SPY on the Trump Team. Not about Carter Page..was all about getting Trump…..
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 23, 2018
…..”Carter Page wasn’t a spy, wasn’t an agent of the Russians – he would have cooperated with the FBI. It was a fraud and a hoax designed to target Trump.” Tom Fitton @JudicialWatch A disgrace to America. They should drop the discredited Mueller Witch Hunt now!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 23, 2018
When you hear the Fake News talking negatively about my meeting with President Putin, and all that I gave up, remember, I gave up NOTHING, we merely talked about future benefits for both countries. Also, we got along very well, which is a good thing, except for the Corrupt Media!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 23, 2018