The New York Daily News reports:
The First Lady and thousands of other Americans danced around their misspelling of Independence Day. The incorrectly spelled #IndependanceDay was trending on Twitter Wednesday afternoon thanks to a slew of prominent users like First Lady Melania Trump, the city of Boston, the state of New Jersey, the U.S. Air Force and the Canadian Space Agency.
The First Lady — to her or her rep’s credit – also caught the mistake in her initial tweet celebrating the nation’s birthday. She deleted and replaced the blunder eight minutes later, but not before many fellow users were able to screenshot her first pass.
But the grammatical slip-up caused many wannabe spelling bee champs to engage in a collective eye-roll across the social media platform, where they aired their grievances.
On this #IndependanceDay , it’s important to remember that spelling matters.
And no matter how often Trump misspells, I’m still gonna hold myself & my country to higher standards.
Happy #IndependenceDay, y’all!
Can we get the correctly spelled word trending?
Kay, thanks.
— Kaz Weida (@kazweida) July 4, 2018
It’s only fitting that the hashtag for America’s Independence Day would be misspelled. Completely on brand.
— Leanna Renee (@leannuh_renay) July 4, 2018