Buzzfeed News reports:
After Samantha Bee was criticized for calling presidential adviser and first daughter Ivanka Trump as a “feckless cunt” who needs to convince her father to change his immigration policies, the host issued an apology on Thursday.
“I would like to sincerely apologize to Ivanka Trump and to my viewers for using an expletive on my show to describe her last night,” Bee said in a statement to BuzzFeed News. “It was inappropriate and inexcusable. I crossed a line, and I deeply regret it.”
CNN reports:
The White House on Thursday condemned comedian Samantha Bee’s remark that White House senior adviser and first daughter Ivanka Trump is a “feckless c***,” calling on TBS, which airs her show, to publicly repudiate her. White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said Bee’s language was “vile and vicious.”
The collective silence by the left and its media allies is appalling. Her disgusting comments and show are not fit for broadcast, and executives at Time Warner and TBS must demonstrate that such explicit profanity about female members of this administration will not be condoned on its network,” Sanders said.