Just in from hate group leader Brian Brown:
The last day of the term is when a sitting Supreme Court Justice often chooses to announce his retirement. Rumors continue to swirl that Justice Anthony Kennedy will retire, setting in motion one of the most important, consequential battles in our lifetime. The problem is that we are not ready for it.
I announced the other day that NOM was facing a critical budget shortfall and needed to raise $25,000 immediately. Many supporters have stepped up to help, but we are still $6,000 short of our goal. Unless we can raise that $6,000 this week, we’re going to have to cut programs, let alone have the funds on hand to wage the kind of intense battle that will be necessary to prevail in a Supreme Court nomination and confirmation process.
Just last week we showed how effective we can be when we work together, helping to secure the confirmation of Mike Pompeo’s nomination as Secretary of State. Pompeo is a true marriage champion who was attacked by liberal Senator Cory Booker over his beliefs.
Yet Pompeo stood firm in his support for marriage, and NOM stood firm in our defense of Pompeo. We brought nationwide attention to Booker’s attack and rallied thousands of people to contact their US Senators to demand Pompeo’s confirmation. We can take pride in the successful outcome.
We absolutely must get past this financial crunch and strengthen our finances to make sure we can be a key player in the coming Supreme Court battle. Please help us with an emergency gift of whatever amount is right for you, considering what’s at stake.
The first battle in terms of control of the US Supreme Court will be to make sure President Trump nominates a true conservative, someone in the mold of Antonin Scalia and Neil Gorsuch. He will be under tremendous pressure to nominate someone like Anthony Kennedy who has been a disaster in so many cases, including his willingness to impose gay marriage on the nation despite the active (and continuing) opposition of voters across America.