Todd Starnes: Cory Booker Is An Anti-Christian Bigot For Asking Pompeo If He Thinks Gay Sex Is Perverted

Canned ham spokesmodel Todd Starnes writes:

Mike Pompeo, President Trump’s nominee for secretary of state, faced an offensive line of questioning from Sen. Cory Booker – demanding to know if he opposed same-sex marriage and if he thought gay sex was perverse. It’s becoming increasingly difficult for people of the Christian faith to practice their religion in the public marketplace. Religious liberty is under attack — as evidenced by today’s sordid congressional hearing.

The cold, hard reality is there are some in Congress who believe that Christians who believe in the Biblical definition of marriage should not be allowed to bake cakes, sell wedding dresses, own flower shops or become secretary of state. Sen. Booker publicly shamed Mr. Pompeo because of his deeply held religious beliefs. That is disgraceful and it’s bigoted and it’s downright un-American. What a shameful day in the United States Senate. What a shameful day for America.