Jim Bakker: God Sent Two Scientists That Would Have Cured Cancer But Both Of Them Were Aborted [VIDEO]

Yesterday Jim Bakker interviewed former Roy Moore spokes-loon Janet Porter about her so-called “Heartbeat Bill” – which Porter claims would outlaw abortion “before the mother even knows she’s pregnant.” And as usual, things went directly into crazy territory.

Kyle Mantyla reports at Right Wing Watch:

Bakker claimed that God has sent two scientists to earth who would have found the cure for cancer, but they were both aborted before that ever happened.  “This program could be an important cog to stop abortion in this country,” he added. “The thing we have done in America, we have killed our babies. We have killed the future of America. I told you the other day about a story, someone said they asked God, ‘Why haven’t we had a cure for cancer?’ And He said back, ‘I gave you two scientists that had the cure and both of them were aborted.’”