CHATTER AWAY: Overnight Open Thread

For some light evening reading, this Spectator profile of Milo Yiannopoulos absolutely brutal. Here’s a taste:

Meanwhile, he says, he has outgrown Breitbart: “It is not a star factory. I was outgrowing the masthead.” He is in denial about why he is hated. “Sarah Silverman has said worse stuff about Jews,” he says.

“Joan Rivers said worse stuff about everyone. I haven’t really said anything that awful. The thing I’m most closely associated with is ‘Feminism is Cancer’, which isn’t even an insult.” He chews. “It’s an internet meme.” This was a 2013 Twitter poll in which he asked, would you rather your child had feminism or cancer? “22,000 people voted,” he says happily, “and cancer won!”

I ask him to imagine he has a child with cancer. He can’t do it. “Cancer, yeah,” he says, “Cancer is curable,” because he doesn’t understand cancer. “Feminism,” he ponders, “you could be the walking dead your whole life.” He doesn’t understand feminism, either.

UPDATE: There was a fire this afternoon at Trump Tower.