Pharma Douche Ordered To Forfeit $7.3M In Assets

CNBC reports:

Convicted fraudster Martin Shkreli will have to forfeit $7.36 million to the federal government as part of his upcoming criminal sentence, a judge ruled Monday. Judge Kiyo Matsumoto said that in order to satisfy that award amount Shkreli — who was said to be completely cash-broke last year by his lawyer — must forfeit his interest in a set of “substitute” assets.

Those assets are: $5 million in cash in an E-Trade brokerage account that previously had secured his release bond; Shkreli’s stake in the drug company Vyera Pharmaceuticals; the one-of-a-kind Wu-Tang Clan album “Once Upon a Time in Shaolin”; the Lil’ Wayne album “The Carter V”; and a painting by Pablo Picasso.

Shkreli will be sentenced on Friday.