Propaganda Minister Kellyanne Conway Tells State TV That Press Is “Lying” About Trump And FBI [VIDEO]

The Week reports:

President Trump is expected to approve the release of a controversial Republican memo on Friday against the firm advice of the FBI. Despite rumors that the bureau’s director, Christopher Wray, might step down as a result, White House counselor Kellyanne Conway did not appear concerned on Friday during an appearance on Fox & Friends. “The president has not expressed that concern at all,” Conway said in answer to a question about Wray’s possible departure.

“I want to remind everyone of a couple things because I see people lying about this. The president has stated many times that he respects the rank and file of the FBI,” Conway went on. She added that “this particular investigation has taken a lot of twists and turns, and it’s led us to a few bad actors who had direct responsibility for an investigation about his political opponent and are who obviously biased against him.”