After a flurry of confused and contradictory reports, it appears that the attack in lower Manhattan was indeed Islamic terrorism.
At least six people were killed Tuesday afternoon when a speeding Home Depot truck plowed along a Lower Manhattan bike path, running down helpless riders from behind, sources said.
Eyewitnesses told police the driver yelled “Allahu Akbar!” — Arabic for “God is great!” — after leaving the mangled bodies scattered behind his rental truck. The Middle Eastern man was arrested after police shot him in the rear end. Sources said he was waving a pair of guns when cops reached the scene.
The truck jumped the curb near Houston St. at 3:04 p.m. and began bearing down on the unsuspecting bicyclists, sources told the Daily News. Video showed crumpled two-wheelers and four bodies left in the vehicle’s deadly wake.
BREAKING: Police are investigating deliberate act in Tribeca as an act of terrorism. We are awaiting update from NYPD
— Jessica Kartalija (@JessKartalija) October 31, 2017
"He looked frustrated, panicked, confused" – eyewitness describes seeing Manhattan attack suspect
— BBC News (World) (@BBCWorld) October 31, 2017