The Wrap reports:
Longtime Trump associate Roger Stone Jr. said he will sue Twitter in response to the company banning him from the platform. “I have retained one of the best telecommunications lawyers in the country and will be bringing a legal action against Twitter over the suspension of my account,” he told TheWrap. “The battle for free speech has just begun.”
Stone would not publicly name the attorney until he signed a retainer agreement, which he said he expected to do Monday. “I have been inundated on Twitter with bloggers threatening to kill me, my wife my kids and even my dogs yet Twitter seems unconcerned about that,” he said “This is just part and parcel of the tech lefts effort to silence conservative voices.”
Stone remains active on Twitter with the account for his web show.
Strike me down, and I will become more powerful than you could possibly imagine.#StopCensorship #TwitterVSRogerStone #RogerStone
— Stone Cold Truth (@StoneColdTruth) October 29, 2017