Last week Jesus Campos, the hotel security guard who first encountered the Las Vegas shooter, appeared on the Ellen DeGeneres show to tell his story. Enter end times scamvangelist Rick Wiles, who regularly appears on Jim Bakker’s show.
Kyle Mantyla has the quote at Right Wing Watch:
“I stand by my claim that this country has death squads. We have death squads in this country and it’s being run by a super secret agency, but there is participation at the state and local level. We’re in a fascist Nazi police state. There will be a day that they tell law enforcement [officers] to execute your children right in front of you and they will do it.
“America has become a Nazi state. The deep state is a Nazi state. That is why Campos appeared on a daytime talk show hosted by a fast-talking, dancing comedienne, and, let me add, a lesbian, because this Nazi regime is a gay/lesbian Nazi regime, just like Nazis in Hitler’s day.
“Hitler was a bisexual, the top Nazi leaders of the Nazi party were homosexuals. The Nazi takeover of Germany was a militant homosexual fascist takeover; that is what is taking place in America today.”
PREVIOUSLY ON JMG: Rick Wiles declares that God punished Houston with a hurricane because the city loves “LGBT perversion.” Rick Wiles declares that Queen Elizabeth is a “satanic lizard person.” Rick Wiles declares that Bill Clinton is dying from a brain disease brought on by cannibalizing children. Rick Wiles declares that God’s love is “oozing” over America thanks to Trump. Rick Wiles prays that Hillary Clinton falls down at the presidential debate. Wiles declares that Satan is using Pokemon to murder Christians. Wiles declares that the “Nazi freaks at Target” will get American destroyed in a nuclear war. Wiles declares that God will murder the enemies of Donald Trump. Wiles declares that President Obama ordered the murder of Antonin Scalia as a human sacrifice to pagan fascism. Wiles declares that gay Nazis control America. Wiles renounces US citizenship because Obergefell. Wiles declares that God will destroy the earth with a “fireball from space” because of gay marriage. Wiles declares that God is killing chickens, bees, and pigs because of gay rights. Wiles declares that God sent the California drought because of gay rights. Wiles declares that Russia will nuke the United States because of gay rights. Wiles says God will destroy America and the survivors will be the “slaves of sodomites.” Wiles says ebola could solve “America’s problem with gays and atheists.” Wiles declares that MSNBC viewers are “demon-possessed fans of the anti-Christ.” Wiles declares that God sent a plague of locusts to Egypt because Obama.