Mediaite reports:
First-son Donald Trump Jr. went on a so-called “peasant hunt” with highly controversial alt-right politician Rep. Steve King of Iowa. While it seems the two actually went pheasant hunting and did not in-fact hunt down plebeians, the GOP congressman did accidentally tweet a photo of the two posing with firearms captioned: “Steve King’s annual Bud Day Peasant Hunt. ‘If Donald Trump Jr. defends 2nd Amendment as well as he shoots, we have nothing to worry about.’”
Donald Trump Jr Goes On ‘Peasant Hunt’ With White Nationalist Congressman via @mediaite
— (((DeanObeidallah))) (@Deanofcomedy) October 29, 2017
Or was it a typo….? It’s hard to tell anymore.
— Raw Story (@RawStory) October 29, 2017